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June 2024
Jun 16
16 June 2024

Divan Center volunteers came together to celebrate a meaningful and enjoyable event during Eid al-Adha. The event began early in the morning with Eid prayer and continued with a cheerful breakfast. Special activities for children further enhanced the festive spirit. The event also included a...

April 2024
Apr 17
17 April 2024

Exciting Update from Divan Center NC! We had a productive day at #WashingtonDC, where representatives from Divan Center NC visited the offices of various North Carolina legislators. Our aim was to update them on the impactful activities happening at Divan Center NC! Special thanks to...

Apr 10
10 April 2024

We had a fantastic Eid celebration at Divan Center NC! 🌙🎈 Our community came together to celebrate Eid with joy and warmth. From a delicious breakfast spread to exciting activities for children, it was a day filled with laughter, fun, and cherished moments. Thank you...

Apr 05
05 April 2024

Grateful for the beautiful moments shared at our interfaith Ramadan gathering with friends at the Christ the King Lutheran Church Harmony and friendship truly know no bounds when we come together in celebration and understanding. #InterfaithUnity#RamadanJoy

March 2024
Mar 17
17 March 2024

Divan Center NC hosted its Annual Intrafaith Ramadan Dinner at the Cary Senior Center this Saturday. Shaykh/Mufti Manzar ul Islam al Azhari and Imam Sami Kocak enlightened us about the spirituality and community building aspects of Ramadan. Special thanks to Islamic Center of Cary, Apex...

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